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How To Play With Your Inner Critic
Out of all the challenges getting in the way of our success, the one that affects us the most that we talk about the least is our inner critic. It is that voice that prevents us from taking risks, holds us back from showing up fully, and tells us what we have to say is not worthy enough for people to listen to. In this workshop, we will learn how to recognize our inner critic, bring it into the light, and ultimately learn how to play and build a healthy relationship with it. Separating your negative voice from your intuitive one, will free you to be more creative, bolder, and step more into your power to be your complete you.
Learning Objectives
Become self-aware of your inner critic voice
Learn how to respond to your inner critic voice
Identify actionable strategies to deal with your inner critic voice going forward
Sample of The Playing With Your Inner Critic Talk
Determine If This Workshop Is A Good Fit For Your Organization
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